Sharon Lewis came to Heartbeat of Miami Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic seeking information on abortion. She wanted to terminate the pregnancy due to her age. Sharon was 47 years old and thought she was going through the change of life, but instead realized she was pregnant. We performed a pregnancy test and confirmed her pregnancy.
Sharon was distraught and confused. She had two other children, one 25 and the other one 14. How could she have a baby at this stage of her life? Our counselor continued assuring her that God does not make mistakes.
As Leslie, our Ultrasound Technician proceeded with the ultrasound, she realized that there were 3 little heads, two in one sac and one in a separate one. Sharon was carrying THREE LITTLE BOYS AND THEY WERE 21 WEEKS. Our medical director, Dr. Mary J. O’Sullivan was at the clinic to confirm this miracle… she stated, “A miracle indeed for a 47 year old woman to get pregnant with triplets without any fertility drugs.”
The Lord touched Sharon’s heart when she saw these 3 precious baby boys. We were all filled with joy at the sight of these little ones. Crying with much joy, she said, “I am going to have my babies. It was nobody but God that blessed my womb at 47. I do believe He brought me to it, He’ll bring me through it.”

The Triplets are born… March 18, 2013
Babies Dylan, Denere and Denard were born on March 18th at only 30 weeks because Sharon was suffering of pre-eclampsia. They were a little over 2lbs each and to the Glory of God, all three were breathing on their own.
The babies were transferred to The Holtz Children’s Hospital at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center Neonatal ICU. “It was a miracle she got pregnant. It was a miracle she got three. And all of them are healthy and normal and she is fine,” said Dr. Salih Y. Yasin, a high risk OB/GYN at Jackson Hospital.

The three little brothers go home!
The boys were doing great and on May 6th, Sharon was able to take them home just in time for Mother’s Day. All three of them are healthy, getting stronger each day and blessed to have such a special mommy! Thank You Lord!
Sharon and the Triplets made the Evening News on all the local channels here in South Florida! The Triplets continue to be called “A Miracle”….and Sharon does not stop smiling!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalm 127:3
Looking forward to God’s perfect plan and purpose….
Sharon feels so blessed! She glorifies the Lord for blessing her womb. She thanks Claudia and Leslie from Heartbeat of Miami for serving her with love and assurance when she was afraid and confused. She thanks the doctors and nurses at the hospital for all they did for them.

She is now looking forward to bonding with her babies at home. Her apartment is quite small and we could only accommodate one crib in her bedroom but we are trusting God that He will provide a big house fully furnished for this humble “Big Family”! Would you come in agreement with me through prayer?
Sharon continues to smile and with strong faith she says, “God shall provide for all of my needs according to His riches in Glory.” Philippians 4:19