A’mill Ace’s Story

Dariniesha came to our clinic seeking an abortion due to the baby’s father pressuring her to abort. When she came to our clinic she explained that she did not want to lose her relationship and that she could have other children later on in life. She was adamant about wanting the abortion pill. However, the ultrasound revealed she was already 11 weeks pregnant. At first she did not want to see the baby nor hear the heartbeat but she couldn’t resist looking at the screen in front of her. Once she heard the heartbeat she started to cry. She left our clinic still undecided. We asked her to bring the baby’s father for a follow-up ultrasound.

She returned 2 days later, waiting for him to meet her at the clinic but he never showed up. She could not stop crying. We did another ultrasound and spoke to her about the miracle of Life she was carrying. That day, Dariniesha chose life for her baby and chose Jesus as her Savior. We referred her to all the resources available to her in our community. She came back to visit us at 18 weeks for more counseling and told us she was having a little boy and that the baby’s father left her without a trace when he realized she was going to keep her baby. Dariniesha’s mother asked her to move in with her and told her she would help her with anything and everything.

Dariniesha was so happy and advised us that she was going to stay firm in her convictions of giving Life to her child no matter what. Baby A’mill Ace was born on August 15, 2022 and is a beautiful and healthy baby boy. He has brought so much joy to his mom and grandma. Thank you Lord!

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