Be a part of this life-changing ministry.

Our Mission:

Heartbeat of Miami is a ministry of the Christian community dedicated to advancing the Gospel of Life by providing life-saving help in a life-changing way to women and couples with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

To this end we provide competent and caring services that include free pregnancy tests, sonograms, peer counseling and intervention, on-going support and referrals, parenting preparation classes, post-abortion healing and opportunities to learn about healthy sexual values, mature relationships and how to establish a vital relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

Our Guiding Values:

1. The Importance of the Gospel

We believe only God, through faith in Jesus Christ, can forgive, cleanse, and transform people so that their happiness and God’s glory are united. In all we do, we seek to commend the truth, beauty and power of the Gospel.

2. The Dignity of Women

We believe that the role of women as child bearers is ordained of God and worthy of the special support needed in overcoming the fears caused by an unplanned pregnancy, all the more important since abortion is inherently destructive and demeaning to women.

3. The Sanctity of Human Life

We believe that all human life is of inestimable worth and significance in all its stages. Since preborn children have been legally stripped of their natural human rights, they require moral courage and acts of compassion for their protection.

4. The Irreplaceable Value of Fathers

We believe that fathers are endowed by God with a sense of responsibility to be the primary providers and protectors of their children and that those children derive distinct benefits from having a loving mother and father. A father’s devotion to his children is a satisfying expression of manhood and the basis of the servant leadership that every mother and child delights to receive.

5. The Soundness of Sexual Purity, Marriage and Family

We believe and promote that marriage is a permanent, lifelong relationship between a man and a woman, and the foundation of a healthy society; that abstinence before and faithfulness within marriage offer the best hope for experiencing long-term, intimate and familial happiness.

6. The Transforming Power of Neighborly Love

We believe the natural demands of neighborly love compel us to assist mothers and couples in a crisis pregnancy with healthy, practical, life-affirming assistance; and that confessing Christians, following the paradigm of the Good Samaritan, are especially called to sacrifice their time, talent, and treasure, to make their love for God a life-saving and life-changing joy to their neighbors.

Our Understanding of Christian Faith and Unity:

Heartbeat of Miami is a Christian ministry (faith-based) of the Christian Community. For the purposes of this ministry, the Apostles Creed or the Nicene Creed are long accepted statements of historic Christian orthodoxy. While there remain important theological differences between Catholics and Protestants, and many distinctions within each of these, nonetheless, HOM aims to be a combined effort of Catholics and Protestants working together. We welcome help from those who love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who are in agreement with our historic Christian beliefs, and desire to advance the Gospel of Life in accordance with our Guiding Values.

Statement of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell.* The third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

* this refers to the realm of the dead, not the place of punishment.

Contraception Policy:

Heartbeat of Miami does not dispense or encourage the use of contraception. For married couples we provide Fertility Awareness information that is healthy, effective and in keeping with God’s design for sexual integrity. For details, see HOM Policy on Contraception.

Volunteer Expectations:

HOM could not succeed without dedicated volunteer support. Thank you for your interest. Given the special vulnerability of the women we serve and the desire of many abortion-advocates in the industry and the media to discredit our work, all volunteers must uphold high standards of professionalism, personal responsibility and Christian character in all they say and do. They must agree to:

1. Be dependable: Good intentions that lead to missed appointments or unfinished tasks leave us vulnerable to losing credibility and trust with frightened women who already feel they have no one to turn to for reliable help. We expect volunteers to be on time and stay for the time they have committed to the ministry.

2. Maintain a servant’s heart: There are many jobs to be done at HOM; some are thrilling and many are menial. Staff and volunteers all “help where it’s needed.” Those involved with client care will receive training and mentoring.

3. Follow the policies and procedures: HOM Policies and Procedures are written to foster excellence, protect and guide all in the carrying out of their duties. We expect volunteers to follow policies and to work co-operatively with supervisors.

4. Grow in the knowledge and love of Christ: HOM is a ministry of the Church to the community. As such, volunteers are required to be involved in a local church/parish and in regular attendance.

5. Provide a Letter of Recommendation: A Letter of Recommendation from your pastor is required stating that you attend church regularly.


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